Alice in Wonderland: Plassey Junior Wins Wales Golf Junior Girls Steps Challenge
A JUNIOR from a small nine-hole golf course near Wrexham has won the inaugural Wales Golf Junior Girls Steps Challenge.
Plassey Golf Club member Alice Hall has written her name into the history books at the Eyton-based club by becoming its first-ever national competition winner.
The 13-year-old played nine holes 12 times and 18 holes 17 times during the month of August, recording 215,000 steps in the process. Her handicap index started at 54 and dropped to 27.5 following the completion of the Wales Golf organised event, which was open to all juniors in Wales.
Wales Golf provided Alice with a golf bag, a certificate and other smaller prizes. These were presented by joint proprietor Sarah Brookshaw and junior organiser Glenn Carney at the club’s AGM.
Proud dad, Ian, who finished second in the Denbighshire Golfing Union’s Scratch Championship at Clays this year, was in attendance.
This summer proved a memorable one for Alice, who also finished third in the final of the Welsh Mini Masters at Conwy.
Pics: Alice Hall with Plassey junior organiser Glenn Carney, dad Ian, and Plassey owner Sarah Brookshaw.